Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process in Al-Al-Khuwar Journal, Journal of Religion and Islamic Education:

The Journal of Religion and Islamic Education implements a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and reliability of every published article. This process involves the following steps:

Submission of Manuscript: Authors submit their manuscripts to the journal through the manuscript management system or the journal's official email. The submitted manuscript should align with the journal's focus and scope and comply with the established writing guidelines.

Pre-Review by Editor: After the manuscript is received, the journal's editor conducts an initial pre-review. The editor evaluates the suitability and relevance of the manuscript to the journal's focus and scope. If the manuscript is deemed unsuitable, the author is informed, and the manuscript does not proceed to the next stage of the peer review process.

Assignment of Peer Reviewers: If the manuscript is deemed suitable for the journal's focus and scope, the editor assigns the manuscript to peer reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Peer reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience related to the manuscript's topic.

Review by Peer Reviewers: Peer reviewers thoroughly review the manuscript, considering aspects such as methodology, validity of arguments, clarity of writing, and contribution to knowledge in the field of religion and Islamic education. Peer reviewers also provide constructive comments, suggestions, and criticisms to help the authors improve their manuscripts.

Editor's Decision: After the peer review process is completed, the editor considers the comments and recommendations from the peer reviewers. The editor makes a decision on whether the manuscript should be accepted, rejected, or requires revisions. This decision is based on the quality of the manuscript, its suitability, and its contribution to knowledge in the relevant field.

Revision and Publication: If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the authors are requested to make improvements based on the comments and suggestions provided by the peer reviewers and the editor. After the revisions are completed, the manuscript is reviewed again by the editor to ensure adequate improvements before it is published in the journal.

By implementing this peer review process, the Journal of Religion and Islamic Education strives to maintain the quality and integrity of every published manuscript and ensures valuable contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field of religion and Islamic education.