
Journal of Religion and Islamic Education is a journal published by Al-Khuwar, ISSN : 3031-6286 Darunnaim Islamic Boarding School Higher Education (STPDN) in Rangkas Bitung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia. This journal features articles on the field of scientific research in Islamic studies and Islamic education. The journal aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to contribute to the development of thought and practice related to religion and Islamic education.

As a scholarly journal, the Journal of Religion and Islamic Education publishes articles covering various topics in the field of Islamic studies and Islamic education. The articles published in this journal include original research findings, literature reviews, theoretical analyses, and other conceptual articles relevant to the study of religion and Islamic education. The journal also encourages collaboration and academic discussions among authors and readers.

The Journal of Religion and Islamic Education implements a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and authenticity of each published article. This process involves the review by experts and specialists in the relevant field before an article is accepted for publication. With this approach, the journal is committed to presenting high-quality and reliable articles.

This journal provides a platform for authors to share knowledge, thoughts, and the latest discoveries in the field of scientific research in Islamic studies and Islamic education. Through the publication of diverse articles, the journal aims to enrich the scientific literature and make a meaningful contribution to the development of knowledge in the field of religion and Islamic education.

The Journal of Religion and Islamic Education is available in an online format, making it accessible to readers from various parts of the world. Thus, the journal plays a role in expanding the dissemination of information and facilitating the exchange of knowledge between international authors and readers.

Overall, the Journal of Religion and Islamic Education is an important source of information for academics, researchers, and practitioners interested in the study of religion and Islamic education. By featuring high-quality articles, the journal serves as a means to encourage critical thinking, innovation, and development in this field.